Private pictures nina Alden Richards at Maine Mendoza, kalat na kalat na raw!

The phenomenal star Maine Mendoza and Pambansang Bae Alden Richards have been silent after the open letter published in the personal blogs of the pretty famous actress and Dub Smashed queen.Many speculations have spread out because of their silence and the bashed receive by Maine Mendoza after the publishing of her open letter to the fans. It has been many past that the phenomenal star was not seen in the noontime show Eat Bulaga after the open letter was published and it was reported that she went to America to have some break and vacation. Again another issue has been spread out on the internet when the private pictures of Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza spread out in the social media and garnered various reactions from netizens, particularly to AlDub nation members.

Here are their reactions pertaining to the alleged spread of the private photos of the phenomenal love team. AlDub nation @thirdyisagirl reveals the spreading of the private pictures of Alden and Maine.
"Why should you post A&M's private photos in public? Sila nga di nila pinost eh. Siguro may dahilan sila. Irespeto na lang natin yun. Inimbentuhan pa ng kwento eh." 
Although the phenomenal love team, are public figures and celebrities they also need respect on their private life. They need peace and freedom as the phenomenal star mentioned it in her open letter to her fans and supporters.

Many AlDub Nation reacted in the spreading of the private photos of the phenomenal love team and they requested it to give them peace and freedom and respect their private life and give them the time to think things over. AlDub nation @maine_yac requested it to the AlDub nation members.
"Hay naku nmantlg..pkiusap po sna ibigay muna natin kay @mainedcm &@aldenrichards02 ung katahimikan & freedom n nid nmn tlg nila wen their lives get toxic na..yaan na muna natin clang 2 pls..let's give them time to think things over..muni muni baga. #ALDUBBePositive" 
AlDub nation family let's all respect the privacy of our phenomenal love team, they need peace and freedom in this time of thinking things over.

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