An avid fan of Angelina Jolie's denies the allegations that she underwent 50 surgeries!

Hollywood cinema is a huge industry that it has already influenced the globe. This is why not a surprise to everyone to get obsessed with the Holywood stars. Currently, From Teheran, Iran one of the hardcore fan of Angelina Jolie create a chaos after being identified for copying her idol's look. A lot of media sites sees it as a chance to sensationalized the truth by insisting she went under the knife for 50 times to accomplish the look.

Sahar Tabar immediately became popular on the internet, certainly addressed the controversies around her, especially to the allegation about her surgery. Last November 8, on her Instagram account, Sahar posted her explanation about the issue. Here, Sahar Tabar spread her blow with the media and said that the media were biassed on how they characterized a fan of Angelina Jolie.

Here is the entire translation of the post reads:
“Hello relatively dear followers, the picture that you’re scrutinizing, even though I didn’t like it, I kept it in … I must say I only had ONE surgery, not 50 surgeries, and foreign sites and channels were very biased in the way they talked about my photos. I thought these people are probably living in the 18th century and they haven’t seen or heard of technology or makeup and they are really surprised. What has been said on some pages about me and my family is a sign of jealousy and is spreading rumors. My dear friends, you keep casually accusing others and mercilessly judge others. Without a doubt, on your path of life, you and your family will pay for it by being judged and accused and very soon. The name of Sahar Tabar, unlike what you think, will become known in the world [in a good way] and many will regret saying things without thinking. Please respect my taste and don’t forget who you are.”

Supporters of Sahar Tabar said that the pictures of Sahar that are now talk of the town on the internet were done with makeup and prosthetics, and her exposed face is not that terrific. Her supporters are defended her against the issue. Even though the account of Sahar is already private, the Epoch Times is an online news site where the site is still getting the pictures of Sahar before she made a change in her body. The said pictures bring different reactions from Sahar's followers.
What can you say about Sahara's explanation? We'd like to hear it from you, so don't hesitate to say your thoughts and reactions to us.

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