Video ng Paglalambingan nina Maine Mendoza & Alden Richards Inilabas na!

The phenomenal love team Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza have been the happy pills of the AlDub Nation family for two years in the showbiz industry. Their sweetness and intimate moments makes the AlDub nation happy and entertained and serves as their stress reliever on their daily works and task.AlDub nation @jenasis818 known as the Mama Evs of the AlDub nation family posted the video of the phenomenal love team displaying their sweetness and intimate moments in the front of the crowds and studio audience in the noontime show Eat Bulaga. The caption and post of Mama Eves capture the attention of the AlDub nation family and received different reactions that make their wild brains to be activated in a green mode manner.

Here is the caption of the video posted by Mama Evs
"Dahil pinautukan ni Mister si Misis, palo si Mister!!!Yakap naman sa Misis ang pag alo!"
How about you AlDub nation family? If you are the one who read this hilarious captions of the video what will be on your mind? Since the caption is catchy many AlDub Nation was very curious about the video, but it is true that the phenomenal loveteam displays their affection and intimacy in this video and many of the people who watch the video experience super kilig moments with the phenomenal love team.

Here are some reaction of fans who watch the video and read the caption of Mama Evs
"grabe s caption c Mama Evs akala ko kung ano pinaputok n Mister" 
Many AlDub Nation reacted in the green mode manner because of the caption that captures the attention of the AlDub nation family. Some AlDub Nation apologizes because of their green-minded mode because of the caption. But in summary, the video shows how the phenomenal love team is intimate and sweet when they are together.

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