In the small cuts of bamboo, he creates a little funnel-like using it. The unsuspecting snakes can overlook this thing as the hole. He then placed the funnel-like in the passageway. On the upper part of the hole where he places little branches of plants. And just to make sure that the snake and other animals can be definitely trapped inside, he then placed the branches diagonally.
The man then placed a lot of branches above the hole to get it to mix with the forest environment so that the wild animals will not speculate that it was just a trap. After a few moments when the guy leaves the trap, there is a snake already that was found on the field. The snake was quickly captured by the trap. The man also went to their house with a snake in his hands.
What can you say about his trap? Do you learned and amazed of his creativeness to trap the python? Kindly share and give your comments and reactions to us.